More features: AI Marketplace plans these innovations

The expansion of the community platform, a secure data room, and an app and service store: these three features are to be established on the AI Marketplace before the end of this year. In addition, a development environment for the platform is being worked on. This was announced by the AI Marketplace team at the last milestone meeting.

“In the remaining year of the project, the focus is on implementing the various platform elements on the AI Marketplace and networking them with each other,” says Leon Özcan, project coordinator and research associate Heinz Nixdorf Institute at the Paderborn University.

In this regard, the AI Marketplace is already being well received in its beta phase. “We have been able to significantly expand our community,” says Özcan. In addition to the project consortium of 20 research institutions, networks and companies, the number of associated partners has grown to 65. More than 170 people have already registered on the the platform.

The community platform

Since the launch of the platform last year, the AI Marketplace team has been bringing together AI experts, providers and users in test mode. “With the AI Marketplace, we offer companies a central place to solve their product development challenges with the help of AI. And in this way, AI providers gain direct access to new customers from industry,” says Leon Özcan. Later this year, the matching process will be further automated.

App and service store is launched

Another innovation on the platform is a protected data room for development and test data in order to continuously improve AI applications and adapt them to customer needs. Here, the AI Marketplace relies on certified standards that ensure data sovereignty and at the same time form the basis for fair cooperation. The app and service store is already available as a prototype on the platform. There, AI experts offer their applications and services, which can be used by companies with manageable adaptation effort. The scope of the store will range from simple assistance functions to complex AI applications.

In addition to implementing the new features on the platform, the focus in the final year of the project is on going live at the end of 2022 and transferring the results for and to the AI Marketplace. “Our partners have developed specific use cases for AI in product creation over the past two years and are currently working on the first demonstrators, which we want to make accessible to more users,” says Özcan.


AI solutions for concrete use cases

The pilot projects form the industrial core of the project. In six projects, the companies are working together with research institutions from the AI Marketplace on AI solutions for specific use cases. The topics range from intelligent product monitoring and smart vehicle diagnostics to AI-supported manufacturability analysis. The companies involved in the pilot projects are Claas, Diebold Nixdorf, düspohl, Hella Gutmann, Westaflex and Ubermetrics.

The AI Marketplace project is funded from January 2020 to December 2022 in the innovation competition “Artificial Intelligence as a Driver for Economically Relevant Ecosystems” of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).


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A glimpse behind the scenes of the milestone meeting

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