Data in engineering

Data standards

The most important driver for the development of AI systems is the data on which these systems are trained and validated. The AI Marketplace has examined and evaluated 23 established data standards in engineering. We support you in making these data standards accessible for AI systems and unlocking the potential of AI in engineering.

Data standards


Data map

The data map structures and visualizes data and data flows in engineering. It shows which data artifacts (e.g., 3D models, requirement lists) are generated, modified, and utilized at different stages in engineering. At the same time, it indicates which IT systems (e.g., CAD software) are used for specific engineering processes.

Download the complete data map for free and get a comprehensive overview of the data artifacts and IT systems in engineering.

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Are your engineering IT standards ready for AI?

Download our free whitepaper and find out if you are ready for the implementation of AI in engineering.

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Data Governance – essential for AI in engineering

Data governance is a central concept that supports the applicability of AI methods in companies. With the use case of AI-based vehicle diagnostics, we demonstrate how value can be generated for companies through data sharing.

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