AI in Engineering for sustainibility

Through the use of AI in engineering you  may

Papierflugzeug mit kreisender Flugbahn
  • reduce CO2 emissions by 30% to 40%1,
  • lower energy consumption by up to 10%2,
  • save up to 25% of material3

harness the potential of artificial intelligence in engineering for more sustainability!

Generative Design

Software for generative design creates a multitude of design proposals from the designer's specifications within a very short time.

Material savings of up to 25% through generative design

Simultaneous investigation, simulation and comparison across a wide range of design proposals

Reduced development time through generative design

Simulation of CO2 emissions from products

Large amounts of data are collected and analyzed in order to evaluate relevant product properties for environmental sustainability at an early stage.

Enabling emission reduction of 30-40% for large companies

Prediction of emissions for given product properties

Increased accuracy in emission measurement through improved data processing

Energy efficiency simulation

AI makes it possible to simulate the energy efficiency of different products at the early stages of product development.

Selection of the most efficient component variant and reduction of energy consumption by up to 10%

Certainty about the actual energy consumption of the products

Accurate estimation of serial energy consumption using machine learning

1.  Together with us, find a use case in one of these fields:

KI-Marktplatz Anwendungsfallbezüge: Produktentstehung, Künstliche Intelligenz, Nachhaltigkeit

2a. Still don't have a specific use case for AI in mind?

We are happy to assist you with our potential analysis.

2b. Follow our challenge workflow.

Reach your goal in just a few steps:

Fill out the AI Marketplace form and create a challenge.

Our team will review your challenge. You will be notified via email as soon as the challenge is published.

Solution providers who are interested in your challenge can contact you to solve it together.

1 Forbes
2 IBM Manufacturing
3 Autodesk